Test topic

test writing here if this works, can be something very interesting

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reply 1 if this works, if not I will try anyway

Test, looged in as MaSousa.

hi everyone !

thanks for trying out… discourse is a fantastic system but it’ll take some time to adjust, both for users, moderators and admins, hope we can work this out together :slight_smile:

Test one two by SmallBrother.

Dudes and dudettes. The best admin .org ever knew is here for a test. :grinning:
Don’t like this all white sheet. Looks very confusing, or I’m very old.

yeah I agree this is too much white… I have some other experimental designs to try, they’ll make more sense with more contents and usage.

but I think it really shines on mobile :slight_smile:

ok I upgraded you to moderators, check the new forum admin features and welcome

Let’s test this: Subtitles are text derived from either a transcript or screenplay of the dialogue or commentary in films, television programs, video games, and the like, always displayed at the bottom of the screen, and at the top of the screen if there is already text at the bottom of the screen as per the Oxford English Definition. They can either be a form of written translation of a dialogue in a foreign language, or a written rendering of the dialogue in the same language, with or without added information to help viewers who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, who cannot understand the spoken language, or who have accent recognition problems to follow the dialogue