New forum?

Lately I’ve noticed some updates to the forum. Sadly, this seems to have come at the cost of some of the language specific topics. In my case, the ‘Subtitling in progress’ which I am unable to update now, as well as several other very detailed guidelines on Dutch subtitles that are no longer accessible.

Could someone give a bit more info on the change as well as future plans?

Well the idea is to switch to this new forum, developped with system.
With better integration, unique login from, and plenty of features to implement.

But for now, most users and mostly admins still prefer to use the old, so you’ll still find all the topics and guidelines you were used to there.

The new revised layout of will include more interraction features with this new forum, who’ll make it more visible and useful hopefully.

You mention problems with the subtitles in progress that can’t be updated ? so on ? you can send us a message with the contact form to open a ticket and we’ll take it from there.

Aha, that clears things up.

I was not aware the old forum was still up, I thought something went wrong with importing the language specific topics. I’ve just checked the forum and everything seems as normal, so my question and worry was unwarranted.

Thanks for the quick reply!