How to post comments

I’m new to the site. I came here as I needed to resort to some torrent sites when making my media server. Long story short, I have the discs and they play fine but a few, about 8, titles in the 11 seasons of Cheers wouldn’t rip in MakeMKV so I needed to find an alternative. In doing so I got mp4 files that had not subtitles.
Anyways, I’m wondering how to talk to, or comment on, some of the subtitles that are uploaded. They are FANTASTIC, especially from the one user I stayed with mrtinkles. My only gripe is more NBC’s fault than the user. They put the preview at the start of each episode and therefore there are 2 subtitle options for each and this site doesn’t give a way for mrtinkles to say which is w/ or w/o the preview.

If mrtinkles reads this then I extend my thanks and say that your work is why I’m a VIP now and will look for your work if I need subtitles again.

so to reduce noise, comments are part of the rating.

you pick “rate subtitle” on the subtitle page, then you get to give 1-5 stars.

if you give less than 5 stars, then there are options to explain what is the issue with the subtitle, including “other” that opens a text box where you can enter a comment.

it’s meant to be restrictive to avoid off topic discussion, who are better off in the forums, but still allow specific comments when needed.

to just say they are fantastic, there is the “thanks” button - for now it doesn’t work, but it’ll work soon, then it’s easier to regroup the subtitles with the most “thanks” rather than read the individual comments (for now it’s the “thanks” from who are used on

for your case of reporting which subtitles are meant for the version with or without the intro to avoid the delay, that should be a good place to put it in the comments.